In some of my completed courses, I worked on some challenging, interesting, and fun final projects. Information about each final project can be found below, and the final report for each project is linked.
Effects of Irregularities on the Dynamics of Nearly Periodic Structures: We analyzed a 50-degree-of-freedom bladed disk to understand how slight differences in each blade affect the resonant frequencies and mode shapes of the blisk. More Information.
Human-Powered Lathe: I helped design and manufacture a wood lathe powered by a bicycle. More information
Analysis of Mossyrock Dam: A partner and I analyzed data collected from Mossyrock Dam to create a model that accurately captured the interactions between the dam spillways and piers. More Information.
Inverted Pendulum Control System: A partner and I developed a full-state feedback control system that stabilized an inverted pendulum on a cart as it moved 1 meter in under 10 seconds. More Information.
Mechanical Design
Materials Engineering,
Advanced Structural Mechanics
Heat and Mass Transfer
Chemical and Thermal Processes
Dynamics of Elastic Systems
Advanced Systems Engineering
Engineering Systems
Digital Electronics and Computer Engineering
Introduction to Engineering Design and Manufacturing
Elec & Magnetic Circuits/Devices
Differential Equations
Linear Algebra
Mechanics and Wave Motion